Helpful Reading

Trauma and Abuse





Mind, Heart and Brain

Social Issues (Applying a Biblical Worldview)

Spiritual Formation

Theodicy (Theology on Suffering)

Theology & Apologetics

Helpful Listening

Theological Podcasts

Focusing on apologetics, theology, & worldview, these podcasts teach how to evaluate cultural issues with a Biblical worldview, identify error and heretical teaching, and offer alternative news outlets.


Tablets for Depression - Do Antidepressants Help? | DW Documentary
The Myth of Low-Serotonin & Antidepressants - Dr. Mark Horowitz
Why Antidepressants Don’t Fix Depression | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin | Ep 821
The Big Money Behind ADD, Depression & Anxiety Medication | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin | Ep 822
How Big Pharma Makes Healthy People Sick | ENDEVR Documentary
How Antidepressants Stole Her Childhood | Guest: Brooke Siem | Ep 983

Depression, Anxiety, Suffering

Loving Sermon on Depression
How to Resist Anxiety & Joylessness
Sermon on Suffering Well
Sermon For The Hurting Christian


How Do I Truly Change?
Sermon: Putting Our Sin to Death
Dr. James White: Things That Are Above
Are You Content in Christ?

God's Sovereignty

God's Sovereignty (Part 1)
Sermon on God's Sovereignty (James White)

Inerrancy of Scripture

Unashamed of Inerrancy | James White


Hopeful Sermon: Press Onward

Cultural Issues and Worldview

Do You Have a Biblical Worldview? - Voddie Baucham

"Standing for Jesus in a Hostile World" - Dr James White
Sermon: Socialism is Theft
Faithfulness in a Secular Age | Dr. James R. White
Defining Social Justice | Dr. Voddie Baucham
An Exegetical & Historical Examination of the Woke Church Movement | Dr. James White
Cultural Marxism | Dr. Voddie Baucham
Apologia Radio | Justice, Worldview, and More
The Tyranny of Totalitarianism - Romans 13:1-4 (January 2, 2022)
How the Trans Agenda Destroys Human Life and Common Sense | Matt Walsh LIVE at New Mexico State
Why We Need to Stand for Freedom Over Communism | Yeonmi Park LIVE at Utah Valley University
Voddie Baucham: Do Not Love the World

Specific Recommended Podcasts